Extrasensory perceptions fuel your love life today and connecting with a lover will feel like metaphysical experience at this moment.

Your amped up intuition is your wise guide, allowing you to get close to the one you love on a level you haven’t explored yet.

Push away fears but stay connected to your heart: Being sensitive is never a bad thing, because through your special perspective, you can tap into aspects of romance that are usually not available to you.

Someone might be aware of your placid side but making a mistake by overlooking your stubborn side, too. They could be aware of your strong will but oblivious to your strong ‘won’t’ and might receive a timely reminder about this.

If you and they aren’t seeing eye-to-eye on a certain matter, then the issue is probably at their end rather than yours. You’re right to stand your ground, so continue to do so.

The Moon remains in Aquarius and in your 10th house, however it is also opposing Mercury in your 4th house today.

This is emphasizing that while it is important to pay attention to the eternal aspects of your romantic partnership and have your relationship be an inspiration and example to the rest of the world, it is equally important, that you tend to the internal aspects of it as well.

Not doing so, you risk getting lost in being too concerned with appearances, caring so much about how the world perceives your partnership, that you neglect the relationship itself.

Make sure that you are the one who is content and fulfilled in your partnership.

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