This is a time for viewing an issue surrounding values, respect, money, talents, or possessions with more objectivity and clarity, dear Taurus. There may be an epiphany, sudden idea, something dawning on you, or relevant news.

You can find useful information in the details right now. Conversations can also be helpful, particularly those that are more informational than emotional, and more logical than conceptual.

The Sun and Mercury end their yearly transits of your sign today, and in the past weeks, you’ve likely received more than usual personal attention.

Now, you’re shifting gears, and your focus is turning to what it is that makes you feel secure and comfortable. The weeks ahead are excellent for money matters.

You’re like a butterfly, flitting from place to place, picking up all sorts of nourishing tidbits at each stop. Wherever you go, whatever you do, it’s when you leave your audience wanting more that you make the biggest splash.

There are gains to be made by not remaining in one place too long today, which might mean travel or extra commuting is on your itinerary. Or it may be that your current jaunts are imaginative explorations to act on at a later time. Give and take with ease and fly light.

As the Sun and Mercury spend their first full day in your income sector, they are benefiting from the fact that Mars only left six days ago. Mars took a bulldozer approach to smashing through glass ceilings, especially those in your own mind, with no thought for the follow through.

Yet with the solar spotlight now on your income situation, matters and options and with Mercury’s smart head for money, you can now focus on the details and on the ‘when, where and how’. After two Full Moons in your work sector, everything you need has been shaken from the tree.

Today’s Quote: “Do not wait; the time will never be ‘just right.’ Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.”

Lucky Numbers: 3, 9, 15, 21, 22, 35

Daily Compatibility: Capricorn

Creativity: Good

Love: Excellent

Business: Excellent

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