You’re seeking more independence and freedom to express your unique qualities these days, dear Taurus, but you’re also in a particularly security-oriented cycle this month, which can be confusing.

This discrepancy might lead to impulsive actions or unconscious reactions if you’re not aware of inner restlessness early today. There is no quick fix at the moment, even if you genuinely wish there to be one.

Later today, a Venus-Saturn aspect comes into play, and insecurity about money or dependency issues can emerge. It’s not the best time for emotional or intensely personal topics and endeavors since people seem to be clinging too tightly to what they know and what they own.

It can be challenging to get through to one another in healthy, natural ways just for now. Look for positive solutions and aim to keep your mind peaceful, as it’s the best way to learn and gain insights into your problems.

You might be amazed by how fast tidying up a messy area makes you feel good. However, once you swing into action, you could continue on your mission by beautifying your space in many ways.

The graceful Libra Moon likes to put things in their proper ratio. You may not realize that certain parts of your life have grown chaotic.

Yet, it’s obviously time to declutter when you fall behind schedule looking for your phone or keys. Create more room for your spirit to seep into your everyday life.

You are moving into a 10 day period were communication is set to become more important, easier and harder all at once.

It is that confusing mix of influences that is in fact preparation for not just the communication breakthroughs that are possible over the coming weeks, but the mental breakthroughs as well.

Just three weeks out from a total solar eclipse in your communication sector pressure is mounting but at the same time Mars, warrior planet of the cosmos is using this as motivation as he declares war on communication barriers.

Today’s Quote: “Giving up doesn’t always mean you’re weak. Sometimes it means you are strong and smart enough to let go and move on.”

Lucky Numbers: 18, 26, 34, 41, 43, 49

Daily Compatibility: Capricorn

Creativity: Fair

Love: Fair

Business: Good

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