Forget January 1st! The real New Year starts on March 20th, the first day of the Spring Equinox and the Astrological New Year.

Shed the chill of winter and any low energy you might have experienced over the last few months and charge ahead into the passionate fire sign of Aries. All zodiac signs will be influenced by not only the freshness of the spring season — think clean, light energy and new beginnings — but also by the leadership and impatience that defines a typical Aries.

Looks like the zodiac signs are tired of being cooped up inside for winter and are gearing up to make some serious moves. Which is why you should use this fertile time to write down your plans and goals for the rest of the year.

With all of this starry stuff in mind, here’s what the Spring Equinox has in store for your zodiac sign.


Focus on loving yourself, Aries. You have a tendency to doubt yourself a lot, mostly because things don’t usually work out as fast as you’d like them to. Focus less on what you haven’t done and more on what you HAVE accomplished. This new thinking will give you the confidence to march ahead.


Don’t let the opinions of others drag you down, Taurus. It’s important that you build yourself up at this time. Make a literal list, writing down your strengths and achievements as a constant reminder that you are worthy. Forget the haters and steer yourself towards your dreams.


It’s so easy to go with the flow. To check in and out of your day job. But don’t let routine get the best of you, Gemini. You’re better than that! You have more to offer than spreadsheets, mindless emails, and a run-of-the-mill life. Demand more from yourself and you’ll be rewarded.


It’s literally out with the old and in with the new, Cancer. Let go of toxic people and patterns, and throw out the old rule book that you’ve used to govern your life. It’s a new start and it’s a new YOU! By opening yourself to change, you will find yourself going on many adventures that will point your life in a new + beautiful direction!


You’re feeling more impatient than ever, Leo. Which is why now’s the time to focus on gratitude. Make a list of every single thing you’re grateful for — from the big to the small. As you take the time to appreciate what you have, you’ll find yourself a) feeling more calm and centered and b) receiving even more to be grateful for.


You’re going super deep, Virgo. Like questioning the world and the stars deep. You’re wondering why you are where you are and why you are the way you are. These are not simple questions. But if you dig deep enough with integrity and self-love, you will find the answers that will totally change your life.


You often look at life through rose-colored glasses, Libra, but lately your perspective has clouded. You’ve been feeling more jaded and cynical. No more! It’s time to get you back. Immerse yourself with social activities and humanitarian causes. Start to see the good in people again, and you’ll see the world as it should be: rosy.


It’s time to shake things up, Scorpio. Start a new routine, like maybe meditate in the morning instead of rushing off to work/school. Join a new class or activity, and be open to meeting new friends. Making one small change can open up a rush of brilliant opportunities and adventures. You’re ready.


Give up being perfect, Sag, and focus on being YOU instead. It’s perfectly fine to want the best in life, but not at the cost of losing who you are. It’s time to live your life on your terms, which might mean letting go of people and activities, and being by yourself for a while. You’re on your way to being healed and transformed.


No more hiding, Cappy. No more procrastination or waiting for the right moment because your time is NOW. It’s your time to be in the spotlight. You’re here to share something extremely important with the world — and we need to see it. The only thing holding you back is you. Trust in yourself. You got this.


You often feel out of place, Aquarius, so you have a tendency to mute your true self. No more. The world needs more people like you. Continue to be brave and make bold choices. Play by your own rules and you’ll experience a world that not only accepts you, but also feels inspired by you.


You’re stronger than you realize, Pisces. You’ll encounter your fair share of challenges, but don’t let them stop you from living your best life. Embrace your obstacles. View them as exciting life lessons and you’ll soon experience them as motivating rather than debilitating. Follow your powerful intuition. You’ll get to where you’re meant to go.

The Spring Equinox is a powerful and potent time! Go forth with courage and patience, beauties, and you’ll do just fine. /source Brianne Hogan

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