Ah, the joy and splendor of simplicity! This week is all about streamlining, but without sacrificing aesthetics…or soul! On Wednesday, August 7, Jupiter sends a beam from your systematic sixth house to the Leo Sun in your zone of practical luxury. One day later, on the 8th, design star Venus in Leo will form the same harmonious angle to Jupiter (a 120-degree trine). Survey Chateau Crab.

Don’t categorize things by old and new, or tidy and cluttered, but according to design guru Marie Kondo’s famous “KonMari” method of only keeping what “sparks joy.” But you don’t have to be militant about it. There may be a few sentimental treasures that you don’t love in their current form, but can you upcycle them? The fabric from a printed silk dress might make a gorgeous throw pillow; and could you revive a dated dresser with gloss white paint and brass hardware? (Proooooject!) Venus is the love planet, so do some “tidying up” in that area, too. If you’re in a relationship that’s stuck in neutral, initiate straightforward talk about where things are heading between you.

Don’t mince words, but remember that this is a dialogue, not a Shakespearean soliloquy. Attached? This sweet planetary mashup can stoke fires that were more warm than hot. Make plans for a long weekend getaway or talk about creative options for growing your nest egg. How you deal with money is often a reflection of how you share other things. But don’t get hung up on splitting everything 50-50. There are other considerations, like time, energy and creative inspiration.

If you’ve tumbled off the wellness wagon since April, don’t beat yourself up, Cancer; GET up! Everyone goes through cycles with healthy eating and exercise, and you may have been struggling to stick to a positive regimen much of this year. It might be attributable to the fact that vitality-boosting Jupiter has been retrograde in your health-oriented sixth house since April 10. But this Sunday, when the expansive and optimistic planet resumes forward movement, you may instantly feel like you’re back in control.

With this healthy about-face, steer your life in your desired direction. Instead of getting upset about the “lost time” of the past four months, see them as strengthening your resolve to get it right this time around. Jupiter is warming your wellness corner until December 2, and until then, you’ll have the greatest success if you combine physical efforts with increased mindfulness.

Just as you wouldn’t drive to work without paying attention to the signs, now you understand you need to watch for the signals that might lead you astray. This enhanced consciousness extends to your professional goals as well. Rather than sinking into the comfort of routines, map out your big picture goals and make sure you’re at least inching—if not leaping—in that direction every day.

Late Sunday, hours after Jupiter corrects course, another planet turns retrograde. Transformational Uranus shifts into reverse in your eleventh house of friends, groups, technology and activism. Time to prune your “friends” list? Or update your gadgets, passwords and tech? Think of this period, which lasts until January 10, 2020, as an opportunity to make necessary course corrections.

As Uranus travels through Taurus and your eleventh house from May 2018 to April 2026, certain recalibrations will be painless and may actually come as a huge relief, while others—like having to unfriend a few people—may be more heart-wrenching. This is also the perfect time (if you haven’t lately) to pop your name into a search engine and see what comes up. Are you making the best possible impression in the digital world? Update photos, even if you liked your look of six years ago better. Ask a writerly friend to help you make your profiles sing. And if you have a professional website, make sure it clearly represents your work.

This cycle might finally be the right time to invest in SEO or professional support for your social media. On the flip side, if you’d like a little more anonymity or could use a few “bonus” hours in your day, go on a digital detox. And IRL, curtail a few group activities and pursue your individual passions. If you’re single, this analog approach to dating may prove especially rewarding.

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